ኢምፓወር አዲስ ቅዳሜ, ሕዳር 7 እና እሁድ, ሕዳር 8, 2017 (November 16-17, 2024)

ቅዳሜ, ሕዳር 7 እና እሁድ, ሕዳር 8, 2017
@Bole, Millennium Hall
NOVEMBER 16-17, 2024

Main Stage Panel Sessions

Women in Leadership: Lessons from The Top
Trailblazing Leadership: Strategies for Sustainable Success & Impact
From Passion to Action: The Journey of Young Trailblazers
Creators as Change Makers
Pitch Competition
Breakout Sessions

Navigating the Business Journey: Insights and Support from Seasoned Entrepreneurs
The Future of Medicine: Healthcare Access
Dr. Akeza Teame, MD
Internist and Infectious Disease Specialist and Founder American Medical Center and HabariDOC
Mind Matters: Practical Tips to Mental Wellness
Better You! Building Your Self Confidence
Financial Literacy featuring Kefeta Youth SACCO
Unlocking Opportunities and Resources: for Women Owned MSMEs
Kidist Gebreamlak
Founder & CEO of Eleos Groups LLC in the USA and Co-Founder & CEO of Zero One Zero One Tech & Entrepreneurship Africa
Women’s Health
Dr. Kalkidan Alachew
Consultant Internist and Endocrinologist American Hospital and Lancet Biherawi Hospital
First Aid Training and Certification session
Empower Conversations and Interactive Sessions